Many people are aware that a high blood pressure isn’t a good thing. However, this condition can persist for years undetected before someone realizes that they need medical assistance to lower their blood pressure. The danger lies in the fact that it could lead to other health problems such as a stroke or a heart attack. Thankfully, a natural remedy such as CBD oil can help to regulate your blood pressure and assist with your heart health as well.

What Constitutes a High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is when an individual has tension in their arteries. Your arteries are  blood vessels that transport blood throughout the body. Normally, our blood pressure should be around 120/80. Once the numbers go above 140/90, that person is considered to have high blood pressure. The first number is the figure for systolic pressure and the second number represents diastolic pressure. When the numbers go beyond what is normal, they become at risk for stroke, hardened arteries (atherosclerosis), or even damage to the eyes. 

There are multiple causes for high blood pressure or hypertension (persistent high blood pressure) such as:

  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Inflammation 
  • Stress
  • Alcohol overconsumption 
  • Too much salt intake
  • Low physical activity 

Be sure to keep your blood pressure at a normal level so as to avoid more serious complications that can be life threatening. 

How does CBD oil help with high blood pressure?

For starters, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that will be very beneficial when combating high blood pressure. Sedentary or otherwise inactive lifestyles can over time cause the arteries to become inflamed along the walks, which will create tension and tighten the passageways of the vessels. CBD oil is also a vasodilator, which means that it promotes a regulated and healthy flow of blood to the vessels to keep blood pressure levels normal. It relaxes the passages and widens them, which assists with avoiding tension and tightness within the artery walls. 

Though our bodies have an endocannabinoid system that can regulate our blood pressure through hormone production and various glands, alone, it cannot provide the best results. CBD can also help to reduce your resting blood pressure and ease hypertension that is caused by stress; it has analgesic and anxiolytic effects and it also regulates your mood, though there is no scientific evidence behind an emotional cause of hypertension. Prolonged periods of stress and anxiety can have a negative effect on your body’s systems, which can cause inflammation in the long run and therefore is indirectly connected to high blood pressure.

Through reducing inflammation, mood regulation, and even promoting a regular heartbeat for those whose have cardiovascular ailments that cause high blood pressure, CBD is a wonderful supplement to try. High blood pressure is a serious condition that should not be left untreated; using CBD oil is an excellent option for those who want to use an all-natural remedy in conjunction with a healthy diet and active lifestyle.