Where to buy CBD oil online?

In a new and burgeoning industry of the hemp plant and the CBD products which derive from it, there are many opportunities as both a consumer and a producer. However, because of the general success of CBD, many people want to throw their hats in the ring; this, coupled with a lack of regulation and […]


CBD and Heart Arrhythmia

CBD, when administered to someone suffering from arrhythmias, CBD or cannabidiol has the ability to suppress irregular heartbeats which are caused by an inadequate blood supply in the heart. Due to the inherent properties of CBD, when administered it is more than capable of providing the heart with protection. Through extensive studies

CBD Oil for Congestive Heart Failure

Not too many things in this world can put your life into perspective the way being diagnosed with congestive heart failure can; such a diagnosis because of the severity of it can have you thinking about your mortality. The pressure of having congestive heart failure and all of the stress which comes with it can […]

CBD Oil and Blood Pressure

Many people are aware that a high blood pressure isn’t a good thing. However, this condition can persist for years undetected before someone realizes that they need medical assistance to lower their blood pressure. The danger lies in the fact that it could lead to other health problems such as a stroke or a heart